Legal Workshops

We offer free legal workshops in the areas of employment, immigration, tenancy, and commercial law.   

This is a great way for you as an immigrant to learn about the legal environment in New Zealand, your entitlements to protection under the law, and your obligations while living here. Our staff present this information and give you opportunities to ask legal questions. We are here to help.  

We understand that Immigrants often need special legal support. Please check our Migrant Legal Clinic page for information about getting free legal advice either in person at our offices or onlineWe welcome your inquiry. 

Disclaimer: CNZBA specifically does not represent or hold itself out as a provider of legal services or immigration advice. All legal or immigration advice provided to you will have been prepared by a qualified New Zealand law firm or lawyer and passed on to you (without amendment) by CNZBA. CNZBA assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any legal/immigration advice given by such individuals or organisations. CNZBA does not accept any liability arising out of or in connection with your use of the CNZBA legal clinic or any information provided to you in connection therewith. CNZBA specifically does not represent or hold itself out as a provider of legal services or immigration advice.

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